Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hello loves,
it's a new year, happy 2014! It just hit me, this year is going to be awesome, no matter what or who is in the way. I know who my true friends are and who can make me happy. I won't let myself fool that easily. Fool me twice, shame on me. right?
I want to have 3 new year resolutions, which I can achieve. Of course, be healthy exercise, drink water yada yada. Same old same. But I want to be inspired again,encouraged for the new year. Good had happened and as so also bad. But that is past! I'm taking the experience from last year to be stronger this year. What doesnt kill you make you stronger! No bad memories, no old memories!

  • Don't be lazy. Success is not for lazy people. Achieve something daily, small steps.
  • Pamper yourself, not too much though. 
  • Don't judge a book by it's cover. Don't let be fooled, use your mind. Mind is stronger than heart .
  • Who are your true loves? The people who would stop whatever they're doing to help you. Who stand by you,whenever you need it.
  • reading is sexy. makes you happy and yet also clever!
I'm going to write down these goals on my dashboard, on my phone as a wallpaper. 2014 is going to be my year and it's starting tomorrow.
Goodnight my loves.
xx Lin